
Which one do I need to use? UIKit or SwiftUI

Which one do I need to use more?

  • Swift UIKit
  • SwiftUI
Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
1 answers | 461 view(s)
by Mauricio Junior


Depending on the case:

  1. You need to analyze your client's case
  2. You need to understand how to get the data and how to process the information
  3. You need to understand how simple the UI is to the user
  4. You need to see the objects' positions and devices that will be used
  5. You need to check how fast to build the app
  6. You need to check the alignment because UIKit can be easy in some points but using alignments when you turn the device is terrible
  7. SwiftUI can be good in many cases but Swift UIKit can be good too.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Mauricio Junior

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